Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hey, I'm back to write my first VS blog! I'm from Otsego, Michigan (aka the middle of nowhere), and I have a small group of people that play locally. They include me, Steve (0n51@u9h7 on vsrealms), Shyo(Crushtelevision on realms), Josh, Mike, Higgins, Chris, and Jason. We used to have an unsanctioned hobby league back in the day ( with a few other players like Shea and Mikey) at a game shop the next town over called Hometown Hobby, but unfortunately, the store owner closed up after only two years of business. So the nearest hobby shops were about 15-20 minutes away in Kalamazoo. The three of them were Game Shop, Fanfare, and Scott's. Scott's sold VS but did not support it, Fanfare had a small following of players that were an older group of players who were very irregular (due to their jobs), and Game Shop was a Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic no love for VS.

Our group's game went from a huge success at the start during Marvel Origins, to a halting grind just before the release of DC Green Lanterns. I went to GenCon in 2005 for the Yu-Gi-Oh Shonen Jump championship (Yes I played it, but not anymore) and sold my entire VS rare collection to a group of VS players for a mere 150 bucks. I still had my commons and uncommons, which I put away in a box for a couple years.

One day, in the summer of '07, I was packing my stuff to move out of my parent's house and I came across my VS collection (or what was left of it), and I put it to the side instead of burying it once again. After I moved in with a friend and got all situated, I decided to mess around with my old stuff. I built a Doom/Crime Lords deck and an X-Men/Brotherhood deck. I convinced Steve to pick up one of the decks and play me a couple rounds. He wanted to tweak the deck, so he went through my stuff and built a straight X-Men deck. Afterwards, he said that the game was dead, so he wouldn't get back into it. This saddened me, because I wanted to play again so badly.
One day while in Kalamazoo, I stopped in at Game Shop and saw that there was a bargain box. I started digging through it, looking for some DBZ CCG cards (which I found some of :)). I then stumbled across four X-Men/Brotherhood Starter decks (MXS). They were marked down to two dollars each, so I snatched them up and sat down, cracked them open, and built an X-Men and a Brotherhood deck. I also purchased 6 packs of MHG for a mere $7.25. I pulled quite a few Doom cards, so I threw them into my Doom-Crime Lords Hybrid (LOTS of Stun-back). Then I slowly realized, I had no one to play :(.
The next week, Steve comes over to play some Halo 3, and he is packing a deck box. I ask him what it is, and he told me he ordered some cards and built a deck. I asked him to play. I am playing my Doom CL deck and he is playing something I had no clue about. I soon find out he's playing a deck that actually won a PCQ.... The Cosmic Skrull deck... yeah, no stun backs for me... So, I started buying more cards myself. In less than a month, I ended up with many decks. They included Brotherhood (TNB), X-Men (stall), Common Enemy, Avengers Reservist, Kang City, and Squadron/Tbolts. Steve had Skrulls, Checkmate/VU, Future Foes, Checkmate/League, and a couple others I can't remember.
One day while in GameStop, we ran into an old friend, Shyo. We got on the subject of VS and he told us he still had his stuff. We arranged a get-together to play some VS. The three of us continued to play for awhile. We soon got another person in our group of friends, Eric, to join in the game. He had some money, so he acquired alot of the money rares quickly and built some very nice decks. In early '08, we learned of the Mega Weekend taking place in Chicago and we decided to go.
Skip to Mega Weekend....
This is my first time playing in an official tourney. I couldn't wait to play. We missed the Silver Age event and played in the Super X-Over, which was amazing. I ended up 3-4 when I dropped. The second day, I decided not to play in Modern. But I did play in a DCL draft with Cliff, Squire, and Mr. Awesome. I ended up winning it too! I got The Ring Has Chosen shirt and a few packs of DCL. More to come later.... :)

My First VS Blog!

Hey, this is Brandon! My username on Vsrealms is HeraldofDoom and this is my new blog, "Doom's Throne Room"! I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone!